Soubor:France-001539-Original Keep-DJFlickr.jpg


GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: France-001539 - Original Keep (Taken on June 26, 2014, Sony NEX-7)

  • The medieval keep is the last vestige of the previous château.

  • Château de Chenonceau spans the River Cher, near the small village of Chenonceaux. It is one of the most well-known châteaux of the Loire valley. The current château was built in 1514-1522 on the foundations of an old mill and was later extended to span the river. The bridge over the river was built between 1556-1559.
  • The original château was torched in 1412 by King Charles VII to punish owner Jean Marques for supporting the Duke of Bourgogne and the English.
  • The son built a new château and fortified mill on the site. He sold the castle to Thomas Bohier in 1513 who destroyed the castle, though its 15th-century keep was left standing. He then built an entirely new residence between 1514 and 1522, much of what we see today.
  • Chenonceaux, Centre, France
  • Author: Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada

+ pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)


Historie souboru

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současná11. 11. 2019, 10:25Náhled verze z 11. 11. 2019, 10:254 000×6 000 (19,2 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: (Taken on October 4, 2019, Sony ILCE-6300) * Author: '''Dennis Jarvis''' from Halifax, Canada + pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons FLICKR — Kategorie:CC fotografie [[Kategorie:Giganti)
